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German Shorthaired Pointer

The flat, drooping ears of the dog are set high and wide apart. They have rounded tips that reac ...
The flat, drooping ears of the dog are set high ...
The shorthaired pointer’s eyes are set obliquely, differing in average size. The eyelids f ...
The shorthaired pointer’s eyes are set ob ...
The strong jaws of the animal form a scissor bite. The teeth “sit” vertically, the i ...
The strong jaws of the animal form a scissor bi ...
The neck of the shorthaired pointer is rather long in order to blend in with the external appear ...
The neck of the shorthaired pointer is rather l ...
The Kurzhaar moves in a sweeping manner, pushing off with his hind legs and moderately throwing  ...
The Kurzhaar moves in a sweeping manner, pushin ...
