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We comb it twice a week with a special brush or with a furminator. But it’s best to use a  ...
We comb it twice a week with a special brush or ...
Such an active dog should have toys, long-playing bones. Also, be sure to buy containers for wat ...
Such an active dog should have toys, long-playi ...
Bloodhounds are hardworking, have a balanced, solid character. Thanks to their exceptional sense ...
Bloodhounds are hardworking, have a balanced, s ...
Bloodhound is a dog that is ready to help people from birth. In the genes of the representatives ...
Bloodhound is a dog that is ready to help peopl ...
It should not be forgotten that a bloodhound is a bloodhound. Burying his nose in the ground, he ...
It should not be forgotten that a bloodhound is ...
