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American Foxhound

It is not recommended to let the American foxhound dog off the leash in unsafe places (for examp ...
It is not recommended to let the American foxho ...
The American foxhound is a bit of a nervous dog and often howls and whines. It can be difficult  ...
The American foxhound is a bit of a nervous dog ...
Foxhound will feel uncomfortable in the apartment, as he needs a more spacious room. Another nua ...
Foxhound will feel uncomfortable in the apartme ...
Once every 3-4 months, an American greyhound is injected with anthelmintic drugs, which relieve  ...
Once every 3-4 months, an American greyhound is ...
After walking or working in the forest area, the American foxhound should be inspected for vermi ...
After walking or working in the forest area, th ...
