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Shar Pei

If the owner of the Shar-Pei is insecure, too soft, or intimidated by his dog, the Shar-Pei will ...
If the owner of the Shar-Pei is insecure, too s ...
Shar-Pei are extremely dominant and independent in nature, they prefer to be kings or queens in  ...
Shar-Pei are extremely dominant and independent ...
Despite their displeased and frowning expression on the muzzle, Shar-Pei is a very sociable dog.  
Despite their displeased and frowning expressio ...
Sharpei is very attached to the owner, and eternally devoted to him. A defender of his territory ...
Sharpei is very attached to the owner, and eter ...
Although the price of Shar-Pei puppies is quite high compared to other dog breeds, it contribute ...
Although the price of Shar-Pei puppies is quite ...
