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Lagotto Romagnolo

Lagotto’s coat should be trimmed every ten days. A big plus is that this breed does not shed.
Lagotto’s coat should be trimmed every te ...
Teach Lagotto Romagnolo from an early age. At the age of 40-60 days, they begin to master the ba ...
Teach Lagotto Romagnolo from an early age. At t ...
One of the oldest images of Romagnolo can be found in the palace of the Doges of the city of Man ...
One of the oldest images of Romagnolo can be fo ...
These animals are among the very ancient canines. But who were their progenitors, scientists sti ...
These animals are among the very ancient canine ...
The standard colour of the Lagotto is from white to deep brown, spots are permissible on a white ...
The standard colour of the Lagotto is from whit ...
