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Cavadors are also active dogs, so you’ll need to be able to commit to a solid amount of ex ...
Cavadors are also active dogs, so you’ll ...
There’s no doubt about it: Cavadors are super loving and especially social dogs. This is m ...
There’s no doubt about it: Cavadors are s ...
Most weigh in at 22 to 55 pounds and range in height from 18 to 24 inches. 
Most weigh in at 22 to 55 pounds and range in h ...
The Cavador is usually described as a medium-sized dog. Although, as is always the case with new ...
The Cavador is usually described as a medium-si ...
The Cavador has become known as a designer dog breed, but many of them, unfortunately, end up in ...
The Cavador has become known as a designer dog ...
