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Border Collie

Border Collies need early socialization, which must be started from the first days of the puppy& ...
Border Collies need early socialization, which ...
By virtue of the same herding instincts, noisy games of the dog with children should be avoided. ...
By virtue of the same herding instincts, noisy ...
The Border Collie, by virtue of its natural instincts, loves to chase children, cars, animals, c ...
The Border Collie, by virtue of its natural ins ...
These dogs are very active and need serious mental and physical stimulation. Therefore, collies  ...
These dogs are very active and need serious men ...
The average lifespan of a border collie is 14-22 years. These dogs are prone to congenital deafn ...
The average lifespan of a border collie is 14-2 ...
