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Bohemian Shepherd

The Bohemian Shepherd is an excellent dog that is capable of complex and varied training, suitab ...
The Bohemian Shepherd is an excellent dog that ...
The breed still remains not recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) and is  ...
The breed still remains not recognized by the I ...
In 1997, Ian Findeys published a book on the Bohemian Shepherd, where he gave the official breed ...
In 1997, Ian Findeys published a book on the Bo ...
So the Bohemian Shepherd Dog would have continued to exist in small quantities, known only to a  ...
So the Bohemian Shepherd Dog would have continu ...
The most typical representatives of Bohemian dogs, according to the priest, historian, and prose ...
The most typical representatives of Bohemian do ...
