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American Curl

Newborn American Curls have straight ears. 2-10 days after birth, the ears begin to curl back. T ...
Newborn American Curls have straight ears. 2-10 ...
American Curls are smart, quick-witted, easy to educate. They love to walk and, therefore, have  ...
American Curls are smart, quick-witted, easy to ...
American Curls are extremely playful cats. Curls behave like little cute kittens throughout thei ...
American Curls are extremely playful cats. Curl ...
American Curls are not very talkative, they never meow over trifles. They guarantee their owners ...
American Curls are not very talkative, they nev ...
American Curl wants to be with the owner all the time, his favorite place in the house is usuall ...
American Curl wants to be with the owner all th ...
