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Alopekis dogs are ideal companions, able to quickly adapt to both urban and rural conditions. 
Alopekis dogs are ideal companions, able to qui ...
Alopekis is a dog breed bred in Ancient Greece as a universal assistant: watchman, shepherd, hun ...
Alopekis is a dog breed bred in Ancient Greece ...
Alopekis is a small, cheerful dog, always ready for action. Her limbs are short, but this does n ...
Alopekis is a small, cheerful dog, always ready ...
Dogs of this breed are loyal and devoted companions, they are easy to train, they make excellent ...
Dogs of this breed are loyal and devoted compan ...
With good care of Alopekis, it can live up to 14-16 years. There is no evidence of specific path ...
With good care of Alopekis, it can live up to 1 ...
