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Alaskan Malamute

In nutrition, Alaskan Malamutes are unpretentious, they can be fed with natural food. Usually, t ...
In nutrition, Alaskan Malamutes are unpretentio ...
Keeping Malamute in the courtyard of a private house does not relieve the owner of the need to w ...
Keeping Malamute in the courtyard of a private ...
The Malamute, despite its size, is an athletic dog and therefore needs many hours of jogging. Co ...
The Malamute, despite its size, is an athletic ...
Regardless of the season, the coat of malamutes needs to be looked after, especially it needs to ...
Regardless of the season, the coat of malamutes ...
One of the distinctive features of the Alaskan Malamute is its thick coat. Such a “fur coa ...
One of the distinctive features of the Alaskan ...
