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Since the Akbashs have lived for centuries, practically independent of man, in rather difficult  ...
Since the Akbashs have lived for centuries, pra ...
Akbash will respect and obey only the one whose will he recognizes as stronger than his own, who ...
Akbash will respect and obey only the one whose ...
Akbash is always calm, balanced, and focused. He never loses vigilance, but also does not show a ...
Akbash is always calm, balanced, and focused. H ...
Akbash is a person. Possessing a great sense of his own dignity, this noble dog will never humil ...
Akbash is a person. Possessing a great sense of ...
Free like the steppe wind, white like the snow caps of mountain peaks, brave and faithful like a ...
Free like the steppe wind, white like the snow ...
